Welcome to your RWLD.
The RWLD is a resource page that
includes an assortment of Readings, Watchings, Listenings and Doings.
This multimedia approach is designed to improve the learning experience
in multiple ways:- Millennial learners (students ages 10 - 28) think best using multiple forms of input. The RWLD approach provides a variety of forms of information.
- Even older learners enjoy differing ways to absorb information. RWLDs address differentiated learning needs as well.
This week you will complete a number of surveys and inventories as well as creating a media-ography about yourself where you are introducing yourself to your colleagues. As noted earlier, the specifics of these assignments are not here.
Begin by completing the ILS questionnaire below and then entering your personal information into the following surveys.
- Introducing Le Book - depicts the process that a support person might have used when books were first introduced.
- Iowa, Did You Know? - Interesting video that uses data about today's world to demonstrate how it is changing and providing us with ideas about the world where our students will be living.
- Web 2.0 . . . The Machine is Us/ing Us - How has/is life changing in the digital age. Prof. Wesch explains this in this video. Learn what Prof. Wesch is learning about the digital age at Kansas State University.
- The Sixth Sense - Dr. Pattie Maes shares her research into creating a wearable device that "enables new interactions between the real world and the world of data." This video is on the TED website. These are short presentations by some of the greatest minds in the world. You will enjoy exploring the TED Talks website. It will definitely replace the time you spend watching TV.
Remember to read pages 1 - 44 in the Disrupting Class book.
Consider how the world and innovations depicted in the previous video connect with the ideas portrayed in Christensen's book.
Consider how the world and innovations depicted in the previous video connect with the ideas portrayed in Christensen's book.