
Expert Advisors

How to Sign-Up as Expert Advisors.
by Leigh Zeitz, University of Northern Iowa

Our involvement with the Flat Classroom Project will be to work as Expert/Advisors and ultimately, Judges.  This means that we will be reviewing the written work that students are doing and provide feedback through the discussion groups on their wiki pages.

We will be working in the Flat Classroom Project 2011-3 Please note this title because some of the videos may be from last  year and they are talking about earlier projects.

Join the Flat Classroom Project Wiki.
  1. Begin by going to the fcp11-3 Flat Classroom Project wiki. This is the wiki where we will be working. 
  2. Join the major Flat Classroom Project wikispace. Click on "Join" in the upper right corner of the page.
 You will be probably be approved in the next 24 hours.

Join the FCP11-3 Flat Classroom Project 
  1. Once you have been approved to the major wiki, you will need to join THIS FCP11-3 wiki.
  2. Put your attention on the orange column on the left of the screen. Click on Join this Wiki at the top of the column. This will enable you to specifically join the FCP11-3 wiki.
  3. A Comment Screen should appear. Explain that you are in Dr. Z's class and you would like to join the project.
 You will be probably be approved in the following 24 hours.

Join the FCP11-3 Flat Classroom Project Ning 
  1. First, you will have to go to the website and join the Ning.  Here is a video that will tell you how to do that:  NOTE: This is from last year, but the process is the same.         Flat Classroom Intro and Joining the Ning 
  2. Create your profile on your My Page.
  3. Once you have joined the Ning, I would like you to familiarize yourself with it and add information to your profile. You will also want to add a comment to the posting on my blog there.  Here is a video that explains that as well:  NOTE: This is from last year, but the process is the same. Familiarizing Yourself with the FCP Ning
Sign-up to Be an Expert-Advisor
Once you have joined all of the wikis and the ning, you will have to sign-up to be an Expert Advisor and select the area (flattener) where you wish to work. 
  1. Return to the Flat Classroom Project 2011-3 wiki. 
  2. Scroll down the orange column on the left until you find Expert Advisors. This is where you will sign-up for your position.
  3. Click on Expert Advisors to go to that page.
  4. CAREFULLY READ the page on what it takes to be an Expert Advisor.
  5. Complete the Application Form and submit it.
Now scroll down further to the flatteners down below. You will see a list of 11 flatteners from the World is Flat book. 
  1. Read through them and select the one that you would like to assist.  It's OK to have 2  advisors for a single flattener.
  2. Click the Edit button in the upper right corner.
  3. Put your name after the Expert Advisor: prompt where it says "Insert your name and a link to your Ning page."
 Here is a video that describes the process. NOTE: This is from last year, but the process is the same.   Signing Up for Expert Advisor video

Begin Your Expert Advising
Now that you have signed up for the wiki and the ning and identified where you would like to assist, you are ready to get explore.
  1. Click the title of the flattener you just selected.  You will move to that flattener's specific wiki page. 
  2. Click on Team A. That will take you to another page specific to our team.
  3. Explore this page and become familiar with the topics the students will be asked to research.
  4. Click on the three tabs at the top of the page. Explore these pages. 
  5. In the Notify Me tab, you can set settings that will notify you every time a student or teacher makes a change on this page.  It is your decision as to whether or not you want to make this setting.

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    Expert Advisor
